On Enlightenment

by Soniya Bhagwat

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An ekphrastic poem inspired by “Portrait of a Man Holding the Frontispiece to Dürer's Small Passion,” 1633-1637, by Pietro Paolini.

Context: The Renaissance was a period of time from the 14th to 17th century in which European culture, namely philosophy, art, politics, and science, underwent a rapid progression in innovation inspired by the classical (Greek and Roman) cultures. The pre-existing systems (governments, economic systems, education), namely those set up by the Roman Catholic Church, were questioned and challenged as a result, dramatically changing the European way of life and thought.

What do you see, when you look at me?

Are you analyzing my form?

The progression of my experience that has led me to this very point?

Do you wonder, where I will go after I die?

They answer these questions for you, but at what cost?

You’re insatiable. You want more than this.

You probably do not even see the magnitude of your own desire.

Or maybe you do, you have just been liberated from caring.

I do not know where you are going with this.

You sit in your chair, your sacred island,

And think your way through book after book,

Leading to what?

If none of what they have told us is true,

I do not know what is.

But that does not stop you.

You have followed the light,

Wherever it has taken you,

And now you are basking in it.

Of course, you are too immersed in your scripture to bask.

But it seems there is always a brighter light,

a more feverous flame,

That you must think your way to.

Each step, each turn of a page,

Takes you farther and farther away from the city they built for you.

But you are not seeking truth.

If you were, you

You’d have accepted the truth they claimed to give you.

I do not know what you seek,

You seek just to seek.

But for me,

Your gaze tells me all I need to know.